Mr. T-Bone Beasley
I don’t even know where to begin! Okay, let me take you back to May of 2007. My human had just graduated from college and decided that it was time that she get herself a dog.

I don’t even know where to begin! Okay, let me take you back to May of 2007. My human had just graduated from college and decided that it was time that she get herself a dog.

She didn’t need to research breeds much being that she already knew an Airedale was the dog for her. See, she spent most of her college career just thinking about me and the awesomeness that I would be!
So anyway, after graduating she started to look up breeders and rescues for Airedales. She quickly became discouraged. She ran into many people who were rude or never even returned her phone calls! Rumor has it that she was willing to fly across the country just to retrieve her own Airedale!
Finally, she ran across the webpage, Thinking that there was some older information on the webpage and no news of a new litter, my human thought it was going to be more of the same. But, she made the call anyway! Thank goodness she did, because she met the nicest and most patient woman who would help my human through the process of ME!!!
She informed my human that her girl, Greta, would be going into heat around August, and she would be bred with a fellow named Porkchop, thus I would be born around the beginning of October. The human realized that while there was a wait, it sounded as if this was going to be a great place to get a puppy from!
Initially, I was to be named Beasley, but after taking a closer look at my dad’s name she realized that I too should be named after meat! Woohoo for meat! She felt that “T-Bone” was appropriate, but she still really liked the name “Beasley.” So what else does my human do than be lazy by combining both names and adding a Mr. as the prefix! So, around the beginning of June, before I was even conceived, I was dubbed “Mr. T-Bone Beasley."
The human was sooooo excited, so I hear anyway! She was counting down the days that my Mommy Greta would go into heat. Once August came and went, the human realized that this heat my mommy was suppose to go into just wasn’t happening. She called the first human that I ever knew (Sherry [breeder]) like every day. See, my human was annoying before I even came into this world! While the human was anxious and frustrated she understood why Mommy Greta was waiting to go into heat. See, she’s an Airedale, she’s stubborn…it was only natural that she would be testing my human's patience. She had to check and make sure that my human could handle having one of her babies! Anyway, I was finally conceived in October and from what I hear my human nearly cried because she was that excited! What a baby…

My birthday was suppose to be Christmas. So my human started getting ready for my arrival. Every week she would make trips to the pet store and get me things that she thought a Mr. T-Bone Beasley would enjoy. I can’t even begin to tell you about all of the collars she had…she even got me a t-shirt that I never wore! It had Mr. T on it with a chalk board that said, “Don’t be a fool, stay in school!”
Anyway, testing my human's patience again, I was late for arrival. My human’s human kept telling her that she thought I would be born on her birthday, which is January 2nd. My human kept telling her human, “no, that’s too late…”
January 3rd my human got the best news since she heard I was conceived. However, there was the good news and unfortunately some bad news. The good news was that I was born, not on January 3rd, but on my humans birthday…January 2nd!
My human heard the words from Sherry, “You have your Mr. T-Bone Beasley!” The human was at the grocery store when she heard those words and she nearly dropped some food and tried her best not to scream out of excitement. After calming down, she asked what the bad news was. And unfortunately Sherry had to share that out of the 11 puppies that were to be born, only 3 of us hefty guys made it. I guess there was some sort of infection and only me, sister Lola and brother Waldo made it. My human was so thankful that she had me, and to be born on her birthday of all days! Woohoo for me! Anyway, Sherry was the first to introduce me to the flashing box that I am constantly seeing…even in my sleep!
My human got EVERYTHING ready for me…like everything. She had a crate, water/food dishes, blankets, toys galore and an explosion of collars…February 19th, 2008 was my human's first day to see me in person…it was a day that I would never forget…Sherry put me in a crate and loaded me in the car along with Blu the all black Airedale. First of all, I was not prepared for the long car ride to meet my human in Tucson. Second, I REALLY had to poo! While Sherry drove me to my first destination I screamed and I cried because she needed to pull over so I could do my business! I’ve never been one to make a mess in my crate…poo is gross and there is no way I want to be covered in it!!! Sherry ignored my cries and told me that she was on the freeway and she couldn’t pull over, and she begged me to hold on for just a little bit!!
Hold on, I did not…poo I did. I tried my darndest to get that poo outside of my crate! I pushed my butt up against the plastic walls and poo-ed everywhere. Then, I gave Sherry one of my best, most indignant faces…I was mad…Anyways, after that Sherry cleaned me up and I got to meet my human for the first time. She stuck her head in the car, opened my crate…and oh man I was scared! Wouldn’t you be? Two huge hands coming at you with a creepy-smiled human trying to grab you? After she held me for a minute I realized that she was alright. I snuggled her neck and sniffed her real good! After talking to Sherry about feeding and me in general, I was off in the car again.
Basically, I’m just super adorable and I’m glad that my human waited for me. I enjoy the life of a Mr. T-Bone Beasley! Slurp!
Basically, I’m just super adorable and I’m glad that my human waited for me. I enjoy the life of a Mr. T-Bone Beasley! Slurp!
Oh Mr. mommy says she remembers all of that. Especially the whole Greta thing.....always did have her own time table.
WHat a lovely tale Mr T-Bone Beasly. Your mummy must really really love you. And you look really adorable!
Licks and Wags
Tuffy and the Dog Woods Pack
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